Anna Zejnova didn't plan to become a mother at a young age, but after getting drunk one night and not paying attention, she has to face the consequences. How will she handle everything in her life in the end?
Anna Zejnova didn't plan to become a mother at a young age, but after getting drunk one night and not paying attention, she has to face the consequences. How will she handle everything in her life in the end?
We seemed like the perfect couple among our friends. No one knew anything was wrong. But after a very short time, he started making strange demands. He explained everything with his endless love...
The past, which should have been buried deep inside her and forgotten, unexpectedly returned and faced her fate...
That was the first time I dared to say I didn't want to be with him anymore. He convinced me so vehemently that his hands suddenly encircled my neck and pressed...
Anna shook her head and shifted from foot to foot. She gritted her teeth as a stabbing pain shot through her leg, so much so that her eyes momentarily glazed over.
Often tears are taken among people as weakness and "negative emotions". This probably stems from childhood, when children were usually divided into good and bad, and as soon as a child started crying, parents reacted...
"At one point, I had a crisis. I needed some time alone. I'd crawl into an empty room, curl up in a corner where the chairs were straightened, listen to the music, and want to cry..."
"No, that didn't happen! He didn't show up yesterday! And he's certainly not with Melissa! It must have been a nightmare, Anna convinced her mind while running her hand through her hair..."
"I didn't even realize how slowly he was shaping me into his image. I didn't notice how he was subtly trying to keep me from my daughter. He was jealous of her. And not just her, actually. Just everything and everyone.."
Some people are happy to be helped, others have difficulty accepting help. They were used to doing everything themselves and now often refuse help outright when they seem to need it. It's an adjustment...
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