"Friends are like flowers in the garden of life." (unknown author)
"Friends are like flowers in the garden of life." (unknown author)
Have you met someone you know in an unexpected place? Do you consider certain encounters as "fateful"? I tried to do a little research on the subject and find out their meaning...
Advent is coming. Christmas is slowly knocking on the door and preparations for the holiday of peace and tranquility are in full swing. How is it going in your place?
"Are you sick, Auntie?" Anna's heart clenched with a strange anxiety, so sharp that she had to close her eyes for a moment and breathe deeply...
A smile is a powerful medicine. In this article, you will learn in what situations it has helped me personally, how we can recognize a genuine smile, and that there is a profession that has smiling as the main focus...
The man smiled at her with his typical smile that she had previously found irresistible, calling it twisted in her mind. It was almost as if he had forgotten what had happened between them...
Anna shook her head and shifted from foot to foot. She gritted her teeth as a stabbing pain shot through her leg, so much so that her eyes momentarily glazed over.
Some people are happy to be helped, others have difficulty accepting help. They were used to doing everything themselves and now often refuse help outright when they seem to need it. It's an adjustment...
How does the phrase "I don't know" affect others and what do we mean by it? Expressing uncertainty, not wanting to argue, thinking my own thoughts or my own modesty?
‚‚Anna relaxed and sighed at this sentence, but at the same time, she suddenly felt that she had to run away, or at least do something, because there was neither time nor place for such a conversation... "
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