Writing is my world or my journey of fulfilment
I'm one of the many people wandering this country. But I'm different because I have my head in the clouds. No, I'm not crazy. Although maybe a little bit, because anyone who gets into writing is crazy. Why, you ask? Because I love writing, it's like breathing to me, and I can't live without it! You say it's impossible?! Okay, why don't you sit down with me for a few minutes and read what got me into writing?
Ever since I was a little girl, I loved stories. I loved the times my mom would read us stories. My heart was pounding like a bell when Cinderella lost her slipper in her escape. Or when Snow White bit into a poisoned apple. These and many other fairy tales passed through my childhood. I'll admit without apology that I still read a fairy tale now and then. What about you, do you sometimes go back to your childhood too?
The moment compulsory schooling caught up with me too, I started learning to read and write. It was a real rodeo! I suddenly saw potential stories everywhere! Every morning I woke up with a new story, which then kept me awake all day. Yet I didn't have the courage to put it down on paper and bring it to life. I was afraid that if I wrote it and then read it, it would be a disaster, but I still wanted to try to write something. Without thinking too much about it. I got a book from the library: Heidi the Mountain Girl. I spent hours on it, and the real world stopped existing for me. Time passed me by in silent chaos, and before I knew it, I had the book rewritten. The moment I wrote the last word, I felt an overwhelming joy that nearly made me burst. At the same time, I was filled with the feeling that I could do anything I set my mind to from now on.
Thus several years passed, when I rewrote many fairy tales and stories. With the addition of my own ending. I don't even know how it happened, or when I started writing my own stories. At first, they were short stories set in the horse world. I vaguely remember I composed a story called The White Unicorn. I know a very original title, but so what? It was my first story. It took me quite a while, but I enjoyed it tremendously. I guess you could say that I became immersed in the story and lived it. The characters were suddenly breathing on me and experiencing everything with me. True, they mostly just complained about their plight, but there's nothing like guiding your hero to happiness, and you're the one who patiently guided them to it all along. That's what writing is largely about - patience.
No one ever read the story "The White Unicorn. In fact, I didn't even want to let anyone read it. My cheeks were clenched in fear of someone telling me it was crap that no one would ever read. Now I know that's a perfectly normal fear for any aspiring writer. However, I managed to finish the story after many tribulations. Unfortunately, it ended up in a drawer, like all my stories. However, each of us will one day have the desire to publish something of what is sitting in our drawer, and that is exactly what happened to me.
It came when I was a teenager and created a book about vampires. It was really popular at the time. Twilight was a phenomenon, and I wanted to be the next Stephenie Meyer. I'll tell you straight up! It didn't work out because I made one major mistake, and that was that I only sent them half the manuscript. After a while, they got back to me saying it wasn't a bad story, but they needed the whole manuscript. I have no idea what exactly happened on my part at the time, but even though I had the book finished, I didn't send it because I felt it was missing something. I apologized to the publisher and closed the book so the dust could fall on it again.
I went back to writing in the drawer for a while, but this time the topic was Harry Potter, as I had started reading a lot of stories of that type on the internet around that time. It had been like this for me for a few years. I used to write stories, just for myself, until one day my niece came in saying she found a site called Wattpad on the internet and that there were some really good stories there. I didn't give up, and signed up there too. And she was right, of course, there were good stories on there and you could put your own stories on there, and it wouldn't be me that didn't try it. I put in a story that I was currently writing. The topic was, how could it be other than Harry Potter. I waited a couple of days for the first comment, but stars were appearing fairly quickly. Kind of like a layman's. It was enough for me to keep going. After a while, even the complimentary comment popped up. The joy I felt at that moment lasted for a few more days. I literally could have danced across the table from it, but I held on. Because it was in danger of bursting under me.
Now I've been writing and publishing on Wattpad for six years. I've decided to write and publish a book again, but this time I'm going to do whatever it takes to get it published. I can do it!
It will be a hard and thorny road, though. I'm more confident now. I have taken, and am still taking, creative writing courses, which are giving me a lot.
So that's all I have to say about this topic for now, but before I pause again for a moment...
I want to tell you something else:
"If you too have a dream. Make it come true! Go for it, because you can never have enough dreams."