Writing New Year's resolutions or letting the year run its course?
Every year you write a New Year's resolution with the hope of change, but it ends up in the trash? Have you wondered if it's time to do it differently this year?
Most people who engage in writing goals and action steps for the new year want to make a change from the current year. It means they aren't satisfied with something or they can imagine a better option than what they have now. Towards the end of the year, they are balancing their life, their behavior, past resolutions...
It certainly makes sense to express or write down your thoughts. Then, we can better orient ourselves in them, and especially in ourselves.
Still, writing New Year's resolutions doesn't suit me personally. I have tried it sometimes, but it has not had much effect.
What I would recommend is not to set goals, but rather wishes that can inspire us to take action in the coming year. Of course, not all wishes come true. But I see a difference between a precise task and the steps to achieve it versus a sincere wish and noticing the opportunities life offers us.
Example: "As opposed to the goal of writing a book, choose rather the wish to write for other people." Look around and find inspiration, talk to people, read... If I already have a guiding idea for a book, look for people who have experience in writing and publishing. Being willing to rewrite my writing, as well as being able to take criticism, will be important on the road to that desire.
I mean, we can give it a little free rein, but not by letting life drag us along. We are not merely observers, but active participants in our destiny.
Everyone should deal with resolutions or wishes as they feel. Whether you choose to make a resolution, a wish, or any other path, the main thing is that it brings you joy and meaning.
And where do you stand? Do you write your New Year's resolutions or do you prefer another way? What is important to you?