My dream holiday with my pointer finger on the map
My dear readers,
Summer is already in full swing and so today I have come up with the topic of vacation. Probably all of us have been on some kind of vacation at the seaside or anywhere else our heart is drawn to.
My hidden dream and where my heart is drawn to are three places: Ireland, Paris, Italy - Venice.
These places are supposedly very beautiful, so if I could, I would pack all my stuff and go, but not by plane, but by motorhome. Now you may be thinking: That girl is crazy!
Maybe you're right, but I'd like to go through these three countries from one to the other. Why, you ask?
Let's start with Ireland.
It's beautiful and, for all I know, a little cold. The sun wakes up there a few times a year, which would be the perfect place for me to travel. I would stop my motorhome wherever I wished and take my camera. I'd take pictures and then I'd make a short write-up of the place, what I felt about the space and how it affected me, and most importantly, what I saw and discovered. You know me, paper and pen is mine ☺
Also, this ground has a special place for me.
Are you curious why?
My book, which I'm gradually writing, is set in Ireland. So I think if I were there, I'd write a large part of my book there, and then say goodbye to the place and go home.
The next place is Paris.
After some time, I would go off to visit another country, and that's Paris. A place where you can feel the romance, which unfortunately I only know from movies or TV shows. To tell you the truth, I don't know much about this place. All I know is that there is a triumphal arch, several castles, and chateaus and I think there is a museum of paintings.
I'd probably visit the Eiffel Tower first, as I'd be tempted by the view. Then I would walk around the city and visit the sights I only know from TV. I'd have a notebook and pencil with me again, but mostly I'd like to experience the romance.
Who knows what would happen there? ☺
I'd visit this place more than once, I know that for a fact, I just don't know how I'd get around because I don't speak the language. Anyway, I could manage. Hands, feet, and a translator will make sure of that.
The next country is Italy or Venice.
I've been drawn there since I was a teenager and the reason is the movie Italian Vacation, starring Hilary Duff. I adored this movie and still watch it sometimes. It's a romantic movie with a touch of humor. And it was there that I saw a fountain where you dropped a coin in and then the fountain was supposed to grant you a wish. Probably a superstition, yes, I know. I'm not big on superstition either, but in this case, I want and wish it to be true because I think we as humans have kind of stopped believing that something nice can happen in life. Anyway, my main reason for going to Italy is because of the fountain. What the hell is it called? Damn, I can't remember now☺
But I'd like to see it, at least once, in person, and flip a coin there myself, just for enjoyment, but I'd 100% taste real Italian coffee there.
That's all for today. I hope you're well and
you're planning a vacation or at least a little trip here in the Czech Republic. I'd love it if you could write me where you plan to go or dream about it as much as I do. ☺